Sunday, June 14, 2020

M U S I C!!

Now this is a theme!

You know that our musical style says a lot about us, our personality.

Well then let me show you some about me through my style of music: R O C K. (Pop rock, punk rock and alternative rock too).

Though I want to start saying that I like any song that makes me dance -as Ditto at the top of the post-, and i mean dance any kind of style. If a classical song makes me dance ballet -even if I don't like ballet- then I like it.

Now, about my type. The Rock songs and derivatives make me want to scream, dance or shake, in general, so I would say it is my favorite type. Although it's modern rock I like more, 90's onwards approximately.

My favourite bands are: Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the disco, Set It Off, Starset, Paramore, Skillet, Rise Against, El Cuarteto de Nos and Los Prisioneros.

These groups have songs that I would sing at karaoke, even if I don't know the lyrics at all (I focus on the rhythm of the songs.) But there is another type of music that I consider part of me: Pop.

The truth is Pop have a very wide field as Rock and it's hard, don't find a Pop song that you like. Many of those songs arouse emotion in me

As my favorite Rock bands, I would like to highlight the Pop singers that I like: Julieta Venegas, Bruno Mars -they both have Rock song too-, P!nk, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, ABBA, Miranda and Shakira.

These two styles take up more space in my playlist (with the 31 minutos songs). It make me realize that I like shake and fun, also at parties -when you are with your friends- is where these styles dominates and make memories.

I love making memories through music.

Why my laptop is my second heart

Laptop, forma de corazón con línea de pulso, estetoscopio | Vector ...

Hello guys, let's talk about my laptop.

First of all it should be pointed out that there are people that couldn't live without a minimum of technology, I include myself in that, cause i grow up on it and i don't know a way of life where it doesn't exist.

Thanks to my dad (and my best friend with his tech tips) i got my first laptop capable of supporting Adobe programs required by the univerisity in April and in turn some anti-stress videogames that I play with my friends .

I used to share the PC with my brother and sister before de laptop, I never had a laptop of my own to store my things without the rist of other people seeing it or not ask permission to download and install a program. This is one reason why It is so important to me, since if something happend to it will be all my fault.(Ups)

It has become my agenda, TV, drawing block, alarm, music player, etc since I have it. It has more and more functions and is so esencial for me. That's the reason why is my second heart.

When I was childs -since always, according to my sister- I pick the phone companies flayers, cause it catch my attention (it still do).

At school I always waited for the Language unit when we had to make a poster, because i like more think up and carry out those posters that the other classes.(Even more that art)

In sixth grade I decided study "What ever be the publicity posters", how I used to call it (I didn't know the Graphic Design). Before that the only career that interested me was Veterinary, but i'm not the kind of persons who can bear the loss of an animal during surgery. Architecture was a specter that stalked me for the nights with my parents face over it, but at the end they let me study ''What ever be the publicity posters''.

At the end of 6th Grade a friend told me about Graphic Design and what it is about. While she explained me i realize that she was saying exactly what I wanted to study, so in that moment I decided study Graphic Design.

That wish continuous with me until I graduate from High School. During those years people told me that is better study another career with more ''labol field'', but, still when they planted a lot of ideas -the specter of Architecture, again-, nothing could satisfying me (and my OCD) as the Graphic Design do.

Fortunately, I'm studying the career that has been on my mind for years. And with strike and all I hope finish it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

About Me

I'm María José. I was born in 24 of  October in 2000. I'm 19 years old and I live in Rancagua, Chile, but when i study i stay in Santiago. I live with my mom, my older sister and older brother, they study in Santiago too and live with me in a apartment.
I'm in the 2nd year of design. When i was 12 year old i decide that i'll study Grafic Design, but when I start my studies I discovered I like most Industrial Design.
My hobbies are playing League of Legends with my team, watch videos on youtube, read fanfiction about movies or series that i like, like Supernatural, Scorpion or Marvel Movies.
I like archery, tennis, chess and riding. Also i like Pop and Rock music. My favorites groups are Fall Out Boy, Walk the moon, Panic! at the Disco, Miranda and Jessie y Joy. My favorites soloist are Pink, Julieta Venegas and Taylor Swift.
I want leave Chile when I end my career and go to live in Europe.